Wanted Dead or Alive! |
A tip for Macbook users
- 'DEL' = 'FN' + 'BACKSPACE'
ps: thanks Apple... for making things straightforward ;-/
% my very ML confusing example:
hdf5write('a.h5', struct('Location', '/', 'Name', '1'), 'What is right?', ...
struct('AttachedTo', '/', 'Name', '1', 'AttachType', 'group'), 'And what is wrong?');
% let's read attribute '1' of the root:
% naiive:
i = hdf5read('a.h5', '/1');
% gives 'What is right?' to me, which is not what i wanted!
% and the attribute must be read as follows:
info = hdf5info('a.h5', 'ReadAttributes', true);
% gives 'And what is wrong?' to me
uint8( DataInputStream.read() )
CookieString = char(HttpURLConnection.getCookieManager().elements.nextElement.Cookie.toString)
CookieString = char(HttpURLConnection.getCookieManager().getHeaderField('Set-Cookie') )
HttpURLConnection.setRequestProperty('Cookie', CookieString )
URL = java.net.URL('http://example.url');
HttpURLConnection = URL.openConnection();